Frensham Churches
Giving to the Parish

Each week hundreds of thousands of Church of England members give their time, their skills and their money to support the work of the Church. Without them, the Church’s ministry and its participation in mission would be far less effective.
There are several ways in which you can support us and contribute to the work of the parish:
Donation using the yellow Gift Aid envelopes in the church
By using the card reader in the church
Parish Giving scheme

Under the Parish Giving scheme you set up a monthly direct debit from your bank account which benefits the Frensham Churches. The contributions will increase annually in line with inflation.
To set this up, please send an email to our planned giving administrator, Karen.
Donation via 'Give a Little'
To make a donation to help support the churches, please click on the QR code (or scan it with your mobile phone) to take you to our funding page where you can choose to donate any amount from £1.
You will be offered the opportunity to Giftaid your donation and a receipt will be emailed to you. This is a safe and secure way of giving.
Thank you.
Easy Fundraising
Easyfundraising is a great website where you can help The Benefice of Frensham raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping with over 3,600 big name retailers like Amazon, Sainsburys, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S. You can shop online via your desktop, laptop, tablet or on your mobile phone.
Why do these retailers give us money? Easyfundraising is simply a platform for retailers to advertise and give to charity at the same time. The retailer pays Easyfundraising to be included on the site. When you make a purchase through the Easyfundraising site, the retailer pays an agreed percentage to Easyfundraising who then passes it onto your nominated charity (us).
How do I sign up? Go to Click on ‘Support this cause’. You can then choose if you want to create your login through Facebook or email. If you choose email, all you need to enter is your name, email address and create a password. You are then ready to start shopping. This document shows the process in detail.
How does it work and is it secure? You simply login to your Easyfundraising account and search for the retailer you want to use, or the type of product you want to buy, and click through to the retailer’s website. You leave Easyfundraising and are now on the retailer website and can carry out your transaction as normal. Easyfundraising do not know what you have purchased nor does it capture any sensitive information such as payment details.
For desktop, laptops and tablets you can download a reminder that will pop up whenever you visit a participating retailer’s website. Go to to download this tool.
Shop on your mobile? No problem just visit the App Store and download the Easyfundraising app to your phone. Remember you have to go through the app to make your purchase.
Voluntary Work
If you think that you could contribute to the work of the parish in any way by offering your time, please get in touch with the vicar, Jane, or the parish administrator, Jenny, by email.
Bank Transfers and Legacies
If you would like to leave a legacy to the parish in your will, or to make a donation using a bank transfer, please get in touch with our treasurer, Jill, by email.
Parish Friends
The Parish Friends are a group of people from within the Benefice of Frensham (the villages of Frensham and Dockenfield) who are authorised by the Vicar to offer their time, energy and a listening ear to villagers. They can help practically, such as giving lifts for shopping, medical or other appointments. Or they can simply be somebody who will offer company and conversation at home especially for those who are housebound.

All Parish Friends have completed Safeguarding training in line with Diocesan requirements and are DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked. Morag James is the co-ordinator of the Parish Friends and can be contacted on 01252 793133. Claire Hughes is involved with the day to day administration and can be contacted on 01252 795192.
Each street in the Benefice has a Parish Friend representative and the full list is published in the Parish Magazine which is widely distributed and available in St Mary's Church and the Frensham Village shop.