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Parish Magazine

The Frensham & Dockenfield Parish Magazine is printed each month and distributed to around 500 homes.  It contains details of Church services, news, up-to-date information on Village Societies and Clubs and articles by parishioners.  It is funded by subscription and advertising with all proceeds contributing to the running costs of the Parish.

The subscription fee is £1 per month or £12 per year (payable in January each year for magazines covering the 12 month period January to December).  If you live outside of the Parish you may have the Parish Magazine mailed to your home; the cost for this is a 2nd class stamp per month. To start receiving the magazine - please complete the form here
Click here to pay your annual subscription via the website.

February Letter from the Vicarage



Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Isn’t it wonderful to have more light in the mornings and evenings? It makes such a difference to my daily walks with my dogs! And to hear the morning chorus is so beautiful and uplifting, and all this before I go to the church to do my daily prayers… What a great way to start the day…

Light is so important for, not only us, but all life of course. It is needed for photosynthesis to occur in plants, algae and cyanobacteria, as it converts water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates (sugars) and oxygen, which is essential for all animals that breathe, whether with lungs or in other ways.


Light shines in the darkness to help us see better. I normally wear a powerful head torch when I’m out at 6.15am and am very glad of it, as it is all too easy to trip over various hazards – twigs, stones, molehills!

Light also gives us a sense of hope. Light, and indeed warmth, is what nurtures spring plants to start bursting through the soil to bring us the first shoots of snowdrops, crocus and narcissi, which when I see them always brings a smile to my face and a sense of newness.


For people who suffer with SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder – a major depressive disorder that’s triggered by seasonal changes and can affect mood, energy, sleep and appetite – the return of longer, lighter days is so welcome and literally life changing. Did you know that exposure to bright light can literally light up parts of the brain with electrical activity, and so can improve learning and memory? Also, that bright light therapy can reduce pain? It also affects the release of hormones involved in emotions and mood regulation.


During the darkest part of our winter, we have the twinkly and bright Christmas celebration of Jesus Christ, the Light of the World coming to be with us. And you know, as I have been telling you for the last nearly 14 years that I have been your parish priest, that Christmastide does not finish until 2nd February, so we should absolutely be celebrating light and its wonderful effects until then, when the natural light has returned to help us further. Christmastide comes to an end at ‘Candlemas’ – and is 40 days after the birth of Christ on Christmas Day. We celebrate ‘The Presentation of the Lord in the temple’ as well as the ‘Purification of Mary’ (according to Jewish Mosaic Law), and it is the culmination of our understanding that Jesus is the Light of the World, so we fill the church with twinkling candles as a symbol of this. This year we will be holding a special Candlemas evensong at 6pm on Sunday 2nd February, and the choir will be singing uplifting music, reminiscent of the wonderful birds which sing the morning chorus. Candlemas gives us the spiritual energy for what we will be facing next in the Christian calendar – Lent, Holy Week and Easter.


Light is something that affects us in body, mind and spirit and as Jesus Christ, the light of the World, He encompasses all that we are, all that we do and all that we experience. So God through Jesus knows everything. Importantly, Jesus gets through everything that life throws at Him, not without pain and difficulty, but nevertheless He journeys into glory, and as such he shows us the way, gives us the truth and inspires us with His life. Jesus Christ is the most constant shining light to guide us and we can know His presence by the wonderful energy and connecting power of the Holy Spirit in prayer. Do come for an illuminating, prayerful spiritual experience on 2nd February to bless you all (lift you up) as we go forward in 2025…


With love and prayers,



Previous letters from the vicarage can be read here. Copies of our magazine 'Church Life' are here.

Parish Magazine Advertisers

In a Scent Aromatherapy:  email


Bumblebee Bathrooms and Plumbing

Building Contractors

Crosby Building Services Ltd.


Hand's of Rowledge:  01252 792204


Car Sales
John Morris Automobiles:  01252 715 973 or 07831 305 963


Car Valeting & Detailing

K & E Ltd: email or tel. 07925 177 011

Jane Stockdale Home Cooking: email


Chimney Sweeps
Brush Strokes

Basil the Brush

Sukie Brockman


Cleaning Services

Dusting Dollies Cleaning Services 07824 367 182

Computers and Office Assistance
Farnham IT:  email or tel. 07801 280 694


Dyslexia Assessor & Teacher

Katherine Strode: email tel. 07502 453 987


Nash Electrical Services
DJK Electrical Contractors Ltd.


Estate Agents

Trueman and Grundy


Martin Cashmore Fencing Ltd.
Rupert Nutting:  email

Fitness & Health

Stomp Fitness

Simon Smith: email or 07793 221017/01252 794693

CF Fitness

D & A Flooring:  tel. 01252 783 307 or 07789 511 333

Funeral Directors

Furniture Restoration and French Polishing
C. S. Embling

Garden Services
C. R. Fry:  email or tel.  07788 650 091

Charles Jupp:  email or tel.  07557 307726


Luke's Amazing Glazing tel. 07767 795 347


Frensham Royal British Legion:  tel. 07801 584 098
Marindin Hall

Quinettes Barn, Churt: email

St. Mary's Church Hall:  tel. 01252 794 727

House Call Hairdressing - David JW

Home Care

Trusted Care Services

Holiday Accommodation
Sunny South West France
Provence, edge of Luberon

Home Ironing

Ironing Fairy


AR Landscaping

Leisure Activities

The Sculpture Park

Hogs Back Locksmith

Four Seasons Marquees Ltd.

Nursing Homes

Pax Hill Care Home

Painters & Decorators
G. Clements & Son:  tel. 01252 717 961 or 07743 347 223
Nigel Gaymer:  email or tel. 07951 558 443
A. Strudwick:  tel. 01252 792 077

Peter Jafari:  email or tel.  07521 408644

Bourne Decorators (Hants): email tel. 07957 862 228


Pest Control
Clear Round Pest Services
Clear All Pest Control

ABC Plumbing & Heating:  tel. 07732 857 231

Bumblebee Bathrooms and Plumbing

Visiting Foot Clinic: email or tel. 07548 642 558


Nicola Godden Sculpture


Soft Furnishings and Interiors
Melanie Downing

Alex Kathryn Interiors​

Washing Machines & Domestic Appliance Repairs
Appliance Expert Limited

Four Seasons Marquees Ltd.

Window Cleaners
Prism Window Cleaning

Information for Advertisers

The fee for advertisements on the yellow pages for 2025 remains at £75 per year (12 magazines January - December).  £355.00 is charged for the full back cover in colour and £175.00 for the half inner front or back pages in colour. VAT is not chargeable. 


Advertisements should be booked and paid for during October/November (due date as invoiced) for inclusion the following calendar year.  Additional yellow page advertisements may be accepted during the year if there is space.

To place an advertisement – please contact advertising here.

A list of all our advertisers, with contact details, can be found here.

Copy Deadlines

Items for inclusion in the magazine should be sent to the editor by the 15th of the month; this is to ensure that it reaches the printer and collators in time for distribution.  Philippa Hall and Penny Garrard are Co-Editors.

Pictures for the front cover competition should be sent by the 5th of the month. The latest pictures submitted are shown above.

Frensham Churches

The Benefice of Frensham

The Vicarage, The Street, Frensham, Surrey, GU10 3DT

01252 792137

Charity Number 1173223

©2023 by Frensham Churches.

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